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North Texas Preferred Health Partners, Frisco

Open until 5pm

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3535 Victory Group Way

Frisco, TX, 75034

Office hours

Central Standard Time (CDT)




8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Open now


8:00 am - 5:00 pm



Insurance and payments


While North Texas Preferred Health Partners partners with the below insurances, we recommend giving your insurance provider a call to confirm coverage and benefits.



This location accepts payment without insurance. Self-pay prices include an office visit charge unless noted. For more details, .

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If I could give this organization 0 stars, I would. By default, I have to give credit, therefore 1 star it is. I have been a patient of Dr. Neelay Gandhi since 2015. I followed him from Baylor when he and four docs switched over. I could barely afford the fees, and coughed them up faithfully until I could not. In September 2023, Dr. Neelay Gandhi got a new Medical Assistant. I was passing a kidney stone and his MA kept nagging me as to whether I passed it. I had to explain to her that it can take up to weeks for a person to pass it. I was openly reprimanded for drinking coffee while she stuck her nose up in the air and pointed to an approximately 100 ounce container and preached that she "always" drinks tons of water. In each subsequent visit, I never saw her drink out of that container. On a human level, I thought her lack of knowledge and her "auntie" scolding was immature and inappropriate. When I approached Dr. Neelay Gandhi about her unprofessionalism, his comment was, "She's getting to know everyone." This past December, I had food poisoning. During that particular visit, she spent 30 minutes with me behind a closed room complaining about her personal problems, using me as a break from her work as the office manager was out of the office and she had extra duties as assigned. She could not draw my blood. She proceeded to continue to try and draw my blood three times. I told her I felt like I had to vomit. She dismissed my complaint, asked her if I had eaten anything, which I had earlier that morning. I had but I did not eat anything in the afternoon. I was exhausted from doing homework. Toward the end, after I had gotten done throwing up, I asked where my coffee was. Her comment was, "You don't need it." Then, she noted where it was. His medical assistant proceeded to talk over me and tell me, "Sometimes, when you are anxious and you're in a room for a long time, you get nauseous." My plans were to put it in the fridge when I got home. I gave her the download after an ER visit and forensic evidence that I had food poisoning. Dr. Gandhi once again made every excuse for his Medical assistant, saying that she "means well". I was nice when I approached him about it claiming that I tend to be a little sensitive and depressed. I had to use my mental health as an excuse. Also, after paying over $2,000 a month on a limited income since 2018, I was given a nickname that I did not want in 2020. His former MA was a very aggressive woman that really didn't allow you to disagree with her. Dr. Gandhi does not adequately supervise nor enforce professionalism in his office. It was survival of the fittest for me. He expected me, his patient to deal with it or get out. I texted Dr. Gandhi and noted that I wanted an exit plan. He suggested a doctor office that I could not get any information from other than marketing material and propaganda. They may be good folks, but I wanted a recommendation from another professional. He gave me a quit date of the 1st of January over text to protect his billing--to protect his interest. I would have gladly paid the bill had a felt that I was getting good service. I felt that my experience was so terrible and was going to get worse. Additionally, I felt that Dr. Gandhi's professionalism was slipping. I asked to get blood work done to see whether my statin was working. The blood work order was never sent to the original facility. Dr. Gandhi was concerned about my "experience" there so, he failed to communicate. I wasted the gas money until all of my payments come in on the second half of the month. I have been and will be on a limited income of $2064. None of my friends pay for a concierge physician. This man's practice was built on people like me, until he got patients who were "good fits" for his practice.


Dec 30, 2023

All reviews are opinions of patients and do not represent the opinions of Solv.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do patients rate North Texas Preferred Health Partners in reviews?

Currently Solv doesn't have any ratings or reviews for North Texas Preferred Health Partners. If you have been a patient of this medical lab, be the first to leave a review!

How do I make a booking at North Texas Preferred Health Partners, Frisco?

Most lab tests require advanced appointments rather than just walking in. To schedule an appointment with North Texas Preferred Health Partners, please contact the facility directly.

What insurance does North Texas Preferred Health Partners accept?

Depending on which lab test you need and whether or not it has been ordered by a healthcare provider, insurance may or may not cover the cost of the test. If you intend to use your health insurance, it is best to either consult your insurance carrier, or call the testing lab directly to review details.

How much do lab tests cost at North Texas Preferred Health Partners

The cost of lab tests really vary based on the type of test needed. Some tests could cost as little as $10-20 while others cost more than $500. It is best to contact the lab directly to determine your specific cost, or out of pocket cost (if you are using insurance).

Where is North Texas Preferred Health Partners, Frisco located?

North Texas Preferred Health Partners is located at 3535 Victory Group Way in Frisco and serves patients throughout the area.

Is North Texas Preferred Health Partners, Frisco open on the weekends?

No, North Texas Preferred Health Partners is not open on the weekends.

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