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Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products

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528 E Fig Ave

Monrovia, CA, 91016

Office hours

Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)



Closed now


7:00 am - 3:30 pm


7:00 am - 3:30 pm


7:00 am - 3:30 pm


7:00 am - 3:30 pm


7:00 am - 3:30 pm



Insurance and payments


While Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products partners with the below insurances, we recommend giving your insurance provider a call to confirm coverage and benefits.



This location accepts payment without insurance. Self-pay prices include an office visit charge unless noted. For more details, .

Patient ratings and reviews

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do patients rate Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products in reviews?

Currently Solv doesn’t have any ratings or reviews for Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products. If you have been a patient of this medical lab, be the first to leave a review!

How do I make a booking at Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products?

Most lab tests require advanced appointments rather than just walking in. To schedule an appointment with Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products, please contact the facility directly.

What insurance does Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products accept?

Depending on which lab test you need and whether or not it has been ordered by a healthcare provider, insurance may or may not cover the cost of the test. If you intend to use your health insurance, it is best to either consult your insurance carrier, or call the testing lab directly to review details.

How much do lab tests cost at Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products

The cost of lab tests really vary based on the type of test needed. Some tests could cost as little as $10-20 while others cost more than $500. It is best to contact the lab directly to determine your specific cost, or out of pocket cost (if you are using insurance).

Where is Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products located?

Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products is located at 528 E Fig Ave in Monrovia and serves patients throughout the area.

Is Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products open on the weekends?

No, Willson Scientific Glass & High Vaccum Products is not open on the weekends.

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The content provided here and elsewhere on the Solv Health site or mobile app is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as, and Solv Health, Inc. does not provide, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always contact your healthcare provider directly with any questions you may have regarding your health or specific medical advice.

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