FastMed Urgent Care Locations in Clermont, FL
FastMed Urgent Care is one of the best urgent care providers in the United States. With 4 locations across 2 cities in 1 states, FastMed Urgent Care strives to provide the best urgent care to its patients.
Type of provider: Urgent Care
Number of locations: 3 within Clermont, FLWebsite: fastmed.com
Find a FastMed Urgent Care Location in Clermont, FL

CareSpot Urgent Care, Clermont
CareSpot Urgent Care
Open until 8:00 pm
1615 FL-50, Clermont, FL 347111615 FL-50

CareSpot Urgent Care, East Sand Lake (FastMed)
CareSpot Urgent Care
Open until 6:00 pm
7751 Kingspointe Pkwy, Orlando, FL 328197751 Kingspointe Pkwy

CareSpot Urgent Care, Kissimmee (FastMed)
CareSpot Urgent Care
Open until 8:00 pm
1414 E Osceola Pkwy, Kissimmee, FL 347441414 E Osceola Pkwy
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