Mercy Jefferson
Mercy Jefferson is one of the best urgent care providers in the United States. With 17 locations across 13 cities in 4 states, Mercy Jefferson strives to provide the best urgent care to its patients.
Find a Mercy Jefferson Location
Mercy Convenient Care - Eureka Springs
Mercy Convenient Care - Eureka Springs
Mercy Convenient Care - Yukon
Mercy Convenient Care - Yukon
Mercy Urgent Care, Lebanon
Mercy Urgent Care
Mercy Urgent Care, Fenton
Mercy Urgent Care
Mercy Convenient Care - River Valley
Mercy Convenient Care - River Valley
Mercy Urgent Care, Lincoln
Mercy Urgent Care
Mercy Urgent Care, Legends Parkway
Mercy Urgent Care
Mercy Convenient Care - S. Rangeline
Mercy Convenient Care - S. Rangeline
Mercy Urgent Care, Smith Glynn Callaway
Mercy Urgent Care
Mercy Convenient Care, Mid Rivers
Mercy Convenient Care
Mercy Clinic Primary Care - Ada
Mercy Clinic Primary Care - Ada
Mercy Convenient Care - S. National
Mercy Convenient Care - S. National
Mercy Convenient Care - Monett
Mercy Convenient Care - Monett
Mercy Clinic Family Medicine - Rolla
Mercy Clinic Family Medicine - Rolla
Mercy Clinic Family Medicine - Union
Mercy Clinic Family Medicine - Union
Mercy Clinic Primary Care - 14th Avenue
Mercy Clinic Primary Care - 14th Avenue
Mercy Clinic Family Medicine - St. Robert
Mercy Clinic Family Medicine - St. Robert
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A list of common services offered at Mercy Jefferson locations. For a complete list of available services and more details, visit a Clinic’s individual page.
Insurance & pricing
Self-pay pricing
We're gathering self-pay prices for common services through Solv's ClearPrice initiative. Learn more
Some locations accept payment without insurance (self-pay). Here's a look at what some common services cost at Mercy Jefferson . For more details, visit a clinic's individual page
Accepted insurance
Contact your insurance company before your visit to ensure the clinic is in-network for the service(s) you're seeking.
BlueCross BlueShield
United Healthcare
Workers' Compensation
About Mercy Jefferson
Mercy Hospital Jefferson is part of the Mercy healthcare system. It was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1986 and operates several hospitals and healthcare clinics in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma. In 2019, it was recognized for providing shorter hospital stays, fewer complications, and better patient results. It was ranked as one of the top five large health systems in the United States. Mercy’s mission is to bring to life the healing ministry of Jesus through its compassionate care and exceptional service. Its values are dignity, excellence, justice, service, and stewardship. Mercy Hospital Jefferson is an acute care facility located in Festus, Missouri. It opened in 1957 and provides 24-hour emergency room care and a wide range of diagnostic, preventive, and restorative health care services. This particular facility specializes in treating substance use disorders and offers a specialty service called Mercy StepOne Service, which is a hospital-based, three to five-day acute withdrawal management service. This service is for adults who are in the early stage of withdrawal from alcohol and/or opioids.
St. Louis, MOAccreditations
Frequently asked questions
When are Mercy Jefferson locations open?
The hours of operation at each Mercy Jefferson location may vary. It’s best to find a specific location using the list above to confirm the hours of operation for the you are planning your visit.
How much does a typical Mercy Jefferson visit cost?
The cost of your Mercy Jefferson visit will vary based on the actual services you receive, as well as the specific details of your insurance plan, if applicable. Self-pay rates may also be available for patients without health insurance.
What insurance does Mercy Jefferson accept?
Mercy Jefferson accepts most major health insurance plans in order to minimize out-of-network costs. Specific insurance carries are outlined above. If you have questions about your specific health insurance plan, it is best to contact the Mercy Jefferson location you are looking to visit directly. Self-pay rates may also be available for patients without health insurance.
Can I visit Mercy Jefferson locations if I don’t have insurance?
Yes. Self-pay rates may be available for patients without health insurance. The self-pay cost of your Mercy Jefferson visit will vary based on the actual services you receive
Does Mercy Jefferson treat patients of all ages?
Healthcare providers at Mercy Jefferson locations are able to provide a medical evaluation and treatment for patients regardless of age. However, based on a patients specific symptoms, diagnosis, or treatment requirements, a patient may be referred to another provider where they can receive the best possible care.
What type of services and treatment options does Mercy Jefferson offer?
Mercy Jefferson locations treat a wide variety of minor injuries and illnesses, including common infections and viruses, cold and flu symptoms, and stomach pains. Additionally, they treat muscle and body aches, breaks and sprains, and skin ailments. Preventative care options including routine physicals and immunizations are available, as well.
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