Key points
- Traditional Halloween activities such as bobbing for apples and sharing loose candy can spread germs and cause illness.
- Trying on hats, wigs, and masks, especially in stores, can lead to lice infestations or spread bacteria.
- Regular hand cleaning with antiseptic wipes or gel can help prevent the spread of germs during Halloween activities.
- Despite precautions, there's no guaranteed way to prevent illness; flu shots and prompt medical attention for symptoms can help.
- Frequent hand cleaning, avoiding mask exchanges, and educating children about germ spread are other preventive measures. Despite these tips, there's no guaranteed way to prevent colds or the flu, but a flu shot is the best defense against the latter.
Bobbing for Apples Not Your Best Bet
Although a tradition and fun for many, the germs from saliva left in the bobbing bowl will spread from child to child. suggests using a vegetable brush to clean apples if you absolutely must stick to this tradition and change the water often.
Germs mean kids can get sick with colds or the flu and if they haven't received their flu shot from an urgent care clinic, these germs will spread fast. It's Written on the Wall offers 23 alternative games to try this Halloween and skip the apple bobbing.
Digging for Treats
Some families buy loose candy like candy corn, chocolate malt balls or gummy bears and allow kids to just grab a handful and place in their trick or treat bags. With all the little hands going in and out of these bowls, it's just another venue for germs to spread.
Think of the amount of items children touch when trick or treating, and then consider how easy it is to catch a cold or flu. If it's cold outside, have your child wear gloves. If the weather's warmer, you can still find thin black and white gloves and place embellishments on them to keep the germs away. Instruct children not to eat candy while they're out during the evening. Make this task easier by feeding them dinner before heading out.
Trying on Hats and Wigs
Almost all pre-schools and elementary schools send out notes each year about lice or lice breakouts. A quick way for your child to get lice is trying on hats and wigs in costume and big box stores, think of all the other heads they've been on.
When costume shopping, even for those one-piece costumes that may have been tried on by many kids, have your child wear a shower cap before placing the hat, wig or hood on their head. If your child does get lice, look for an urgent care near you and obtain instructions on how to treat lice.
Clean Hands Frequently
Carry antiseptic wipes or gel with you and have your child clean their hands often during the evening to stop germs from spreading.
Once home, both you and your child should wash your hands completely. The CDC offers a great how-to on how to properly clean hands so they're germ free.
Exchanging Masks
It's tempting for children to try on another's mask if offered. This is also a great way to spread bacteria and germs. Talk to your children and tell them how easily germs spread. When you're at retail clinics that offer family care, ask nurses and doctors to talk to your children about how germs spread during Halloween activities to help them better understand how easy it is to catch a cold or the flu.
Following these five tips will help prevent germs from spreading, but there is no sure-fire way to prevent your children from catching a cold or flu completely. Your best bet for the flu is a flu shot. If your child catches a cold after trick or treating ask a doctor at your nearby walk-in clinic if there is medication they can take to shorten the duration of the cold.
Can traditional Halloween activities spread germs?
Yes, activities like bobbing for apples or sharing loose candy can easily spread germs among children.
How can trying on Halloween costumes lead to lice?
Lice can spread when children try on hats, wigs, or other headpieces that have been worn by others, especially in stores.
What can be done to prevent the spread of germs during Halloween?
Regular hand cleaning with antiseptic wipes or gel, and avoiding sharing of costumes or masks can help prevent the spread of germs.
Is there a guaranteed way to prevent children from getting sick during Halloween?
No, there's no guaranteed way to prevent illness. However, getting a flu shot and seeking prompt medical attention for any symptoms can help.
What should I do if my child gets sick after Halloween?
If your child shows symptoms of illness after Halloween, it's advisable to seek medical attention promptly. A doctor may prescribe medication to shorten the duration of the illness.
Why should children avoid trying on others' masks?
Trying on another's mask can spread bacteria and germs. It's important to talk to your children about how easily germs spread and to discourage them from exchanging masks.
What can be done if a child catches a cold or flu after Halloween activities?
If your child catches a cold after trick or treating, consult a doctor at a nearby walk-in clinic. They can recommend medication to shorten the duration of the cold.
What is the best way to prevent the flu during the Halloween season?
The best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot. Although following the tips mentioned can help prevent germs from spreading, there is no sure-fire way to prevent your children from catching a cold or flu completely.